The credit of Muslim healers over European civilization
the Persian and Arabic physician Avicenna
Abu Bakr al-Razi the clever Arabic healer
Perhaps Al-Razi was the first to establish the science of experimental medicine, as he used to conduct his experiments on animals, so he would dose mercury to monkeys, test the effect of medicines on animals, and record all that he witnessed on them, as he considers the method of observation that is taking place today. About his personal past, and he records all of that in a special record that he keeps for reference to him whenever necessary, he was the first to know measles, smallpox, and psychological treatment methods.
Al-Razi's books were translated into Latin, especially in medicine, physics and chemistry, the last part of them was also translated into modern European languages and studied in European universities, especially in the Netherlands, where Al-Razi's books were among the main references in Dutch universities until the seventeenth century.
Al-Razi's books were translated into Latin, especially in medicine, physics and chemistry, the last part of them was also translated into modern European languages and studied in European universities, especially in the Netherlands, where Al-Razi's books were among the main references in Dutch universities until the seventeenth century.
Some of diseases that discribed by Arabs
As for the philosopher and physician Avicenna, he excelled in describing the organs, their diseases, the organs and their afflictions, and the ailments and their treatment, a description that we still take a lot from until today.
He described tuberculous ulcers, hepatic and renal colic, encephalitis and meningitis, and he is the one who pay attention to the change in the shape of the nails in the infected, and other things that written in his famous book The Canon of medicine or in his many treatises on medicine.
And at the Avincenna Festival that was held in Baghdad, lectures were given on the merits of this healer and his knowledge, and I testify admitting that these lectures were not able to give him some of his right and merit.
Anatomy of the Arabs
The Arabs knew and practiced anatomy, thus, the French scholar Jules Labaum says:
In the tenth century, Arab physicians
used to teach autopsies in halls designated for this in the University of
Sicily, , Ibn Al-Nafis discovered the blood
The German philosopher Humboldt considers that the Arabs had invented a lot in medicine and created the science of pharmacology and knew many medicinal plants that were not known to the Greeks, and they were mentioned byAvicenna, Ibn Dawood, Ibn al-Bitar and others, and many of them are still used and known by Arabic names after distorting them, for example.
Camphor, saffron, lavender, bitter manna, musk, thyme, tamarind, cotton, bean, and many other words mentioned by the scholar Erclerk in his book on medicinal plants.
Kinds of hospital of Arabs
History tells us that the first mobile hospital needed by the Arab armies in their first campaigns was a tent set up by a woman named Rufaida, and she used to treat the wounded in it.
With the spread of Islam, these field hospitals spread, which were later called bimaristan, which is a Persian word meaning the homes of the sick.
These bimaristans were of two types, fixed and mobile.
The mobile one is the one that accompanies the armies in their campaigns, and the fixed one is built in the capitals, the first one was built during the reign of the Umayyad caliph Al-Walid bin Abd al-Malik in the year 706, these bimaristans had a special system and a praiseworthy arrangement
Some of them were divided into two separate department, one from the other, a department for males and the other for females, the bimaristans were like medical schools in which students received their knowledge, and rooms equipped with machines and books were prepared for them, and private pharmacies were attached to these bimaristans.
As for the treatment, it was carried out by specialized supervisors, each of them in a special branch, some of them specialized in internal medicine, and some of them specialized in surgery or orthopedics and eye diseases.
Dr. Schwartzheit, Minister of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany, said at the opening of the International Conference on Schistosomiasis in Cairo that the West will never forget that it owes Muslim scholars the study of medicine, and that the works of Al-Zahrawi and Avicenna are the only books included in the Palermo group in Sicily, which included the most famous school of medicine in the Western world.
Speech of the English writer Childers about Arabs in front of Trafalgar Square
The Dutch-Arab Friendship Society has issued a book on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding, it speaks in part under the title The Arabs in the View of the West by the English writer Childers, who is known for his defense of the Arabs, in it came a paragraph depicting his feelings when he stands in front of Trafalgar Square in London and contemplates around him and says about them.
The banks that surround the square use sukuk in their dealings, and they are sukuk, the Arab Muslims were the first to use them in trade, then they moved to Europe, so checks became available, these banks use numbers as every European uses them, which are Arabic numbers and they are still known to this day by this name.
As for the sewers that were built under the square, they were invented by the Arabs in Baghdad and Cordoba at a time when London and all cities in Europe were stuffing their noses and their feet were immersed in mud and rubbish.
This blue dome is adorned with stars that still have their Arabic names because Arab and Muslim astronomers discovered them in their observatories.
And this commander, Melson, whose statue is butting against the clouds, was able to roam the seas with his fleet and reach the other end in Spain thanks to the great fortifications that the Arab navigators added to the ships when they controlled the longest sea line known to the ancient world, extending from the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf to Canton in China. Britain, to honor its leader for his brilliant victory, did not find among its titles higher than the title of Admiral transmitted from the Admiral of the Sea after its distortion.
This water is separated by fountains at the base of the statue of the great leader, it would not have been pure had it not been for the chemistry that the Arabs had great merit in putting its name on and presenting the purification and distillation processes.
And he went on to say:
The appreciation of the people of Paris for this Islamic scholar has reached that they erected a monument for him in the Great Hall of the School of Medicine, and they also hung his picture in another large hall located in Saint-Germain Street, so that medical students saw it every day.
As for Avicenna, his fame in Europe obscured the fame of the Greek GalileoIbn and his views were practical and unquestionable